
Connect Groups

We believe that one of the best ways we can grow our relationships with each other and with God is to intentionally “connect” with each other regularly. 

“The Sunday Gathering” is an opportunity to gather, pray for each other, praise God together and hear what God has to say to us each week.

However, we recognise that we also need times when we gather to study the Bible together, share the ups and downs of life with each other and forge deep and meaningful relationships. In a smaller group setting we believe it is easier to support, encourage and lovingly challenge each other in our faith and to grow closer to one another and to God.

There are a variety of Connect Groups that meet around the local villages at various times.  If you would like to join a Connect Group, please get in touch.

Tune Tots & Little Voices

“Tune Tots” is a fun and interactive session for children aged 0-36 months, which aims to help connect the child with it’s grown-up through music, play and chatter. 

It runs from 9.30 til 10am on the 1st Wednesday of the month, leaving plenty of time either side for the grown-ups to have fresh coffee and a lovely bacon roll!

“Little Voices Sing-a-Long” is a fun music and rhyme session for pre-school children and their grown-ups. During this session we aim to learn and sing many of the classic nursery rhymes, as well as carrying out the actions 🙂

Music, rhyme and repetition are known to help language acquisition, memory development and confidence in children. They are also known to benefit from social interaction alongside others…so why not come along, have fun with your little one, get to know others from the local community…oh, and have another coffee!! 🙂

Also, keep checking our What’s On page for updates.

If you would like to find out more or be added to our WhatsApp group to be part of the community and stay in the loop please get in touch and we’d love to help.

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We would love to support you spiritually, pastorally and practically so don't hesitate to get in touch

Landford Ladybirds Toddler Group