Connecting you to a community, to faith, and to the hope of Jesus
Everybody is welcome here
The Church in Landford is a warm, welcoming community made up of people from all walks of life and we’d love you to be a part of us. We are a church that loves to welcome new people, and we think you’ll find your place here; whether you’re a professional, a retiree, a family or young person.

1. What's On
Never miss an event, course or service! FIND OUT MORE

2. Find Community
Find friends, find support, find life! Find out more

3. Get Involved
Don't come to church, be part of it! Find out more
"Light Up Landford" on 30th November
Advent Praise Gathering on 1st December
Christingle on 8th December
Christmas Craft Events on 14th December
Nativity with Carols on 15th December
Christmas Eve service
WOW! We've had such an exciting December!
Here are a few photos from the past month
- hopefully more to follow 🙂

The Church in Landford prays blessings on our surrounding villages
and the communities and families within them, this Christmas time…
everyone has a next step
Why not take a first step?

New Here?
If you’re new to The Church in Landford we would love to connect with you.
We understand that we all come with unique circumstances, and that one size doesn’t fit all, and so we’d love to get to know you and help answer any questions you may have about what we believe and how you can be a valued part of us.
"Church" takes place both on Sundays and throughout the week. As well as our "Gatherings" 3 times a month, we also have our Methodist and Anglican in-person services you can attend. To find out what's happening, when, and which site they are happening in, please see our calendar. We look forward to seeing you!